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What is HRT cream?

Written by Eric Johnson - February 23, 2023

What is HRT Cream?

HRT cream, also known as hormone replacement therapy (HRT) cream, is a topical medication that is used to treat symptoms of conditions such as menopausal and perimenopausal hormonal imbalances. It can help provide relief from hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings and vaginal dryness. The cream contains a mixture of hormones that have been specifically formulated to replace the hormones that the body has lost due to age-related changes.

When a woman enters menopause or perimenopause, her body produces less estrogen and progesterone than it did before. This decrease in hormones causes changes in her physical, psychological and emotional well-being. These changes can be alleviated by using an HRT cream which provides additional estrogen and progesterone to bring the body’s levels back into balance.

There are several different types of HRT cream available on the market today. They differ mainly in their formulations and potency levels. Depending on individual needs, some creams contain only estrogens while others may contain both estrogens and progestogens or other hormones like testosterone.

Benefits of HRT Cream

  • Improved quality of life: HRT cream can help reduce the severity of symptoms associated with menopausal hormonal imbalance such as hot flashes, vaginitis, night sweats, mood swings and depression. This can lead to improved overall quality of life for women going through this transition period in their lives.
  • Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease: Research has shown that using an appropriate amount of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can reduce risks for heart disease by up to 50%. Additionally, it helps protect against osteoporosis and diabetes when taken correctly.
  • Relief from menopausal symptoms: Commonly experienced symptoms like headaches, fatigue and joint pain are alleviated by using HRT creams which helps make this stage in a woman’s life more manageable.
  • Improved libido: Lowered estrogen levels during menopause can diminish a woman’s sexual desire but using an appropriate amount of HRT cream has been proven to increase libido significantly in many cases due to increased blood flow throughout the body.

How do I use HRT Cream?

It is important to consult with your doctor or medical practitioner before starting any type of hormone replacement therapy (HRT). They will be able to assess whether you need an additional form of treatment such as pills or injections along with an appropriate dosage for your individual needs. The exact amount that you should use depends on many factors including age, weight, health condition etc., so it is important not to adjust your dosage without consulting a professional first. A general rule for application is about half a teaspoon twice daily on clean skin areas such as abdomen area or inner thigh area after washing your hands carefully beforehand.

Types Of HRT Cream Available

  • Estrogen Only Treatments: These treatments consist solely of estradiol which replaces the lost estrogen in post-menopausal women’s bodies helping them stay balanced hormonally while diminishing common symptoms like night sweats, vaginal dryness etc., However they come with risks associated with high doses so they should only be used under supervision from a qualified healthcare provider who understands the benefits versus risks associated with these treatments
  • Progesterone Only Treatments: These treatments replace lost progesterone levels found naturally occurring in women’s bodies prior to entering menopause which helps alleviate common symptoms like hot flashes etc., Again these should only be taken under supervision from qualified healthcare professionals who understand potential benefits/risks related to this treatment program
  • Combination Treatments: These include both estradiol & progesterone components and offer the most comprehensive form for replacing both hormones simultaneously thus providing more potent symptom relief & potentially reducing risks associated with taking either component alone .

Finally Peptide therapy center offers some excellent options when selecting your preferred type/brand/dosage level when considering any kind of hormonal replacement therapy option;their team includes board certified specialists who are ready and willing best assist customers' needs so look no further if looking to get started on an effective action plan tailored just for you !

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