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How common are fibroids after menopause?

Written by Eric Johnson - February 20, 2023

How Common are Fibroids After Menopause?

Menopause marks the end of a woman's reproductive years. It is an important milestone in a woman's life and one that comes with many changes. One of these changes is the increased risk for developing fibroids. In this article, we will discuss how common fibroids are after menopause and what you can do to manage them.

It is important to understand that fibroids are extremely common among postmenopausal women. According to WebMD, research shows that nearly 70 percent of women over 50 have fibroids - and it affects even more women over age 70. Thus, if you are going through menopause or have already gone through it, chances are very good that you may develop fibroids at some point in your life.

So why does menopause increase the risk for developing fibroids? The reason is due to decreasing levels of female hormones such as estrogen during menopause. This decrease causes an increase in growth factors which can cause fibroid tumors to grow larger and become symptomatic.

However, having lower estrogen levels does not mean that you will definitely get fibroids; there are other things which may play into it as well, such as:

  • Genetics - If your family has a history of fibroids then this can raise the odds of you getting them too.
  • Weight - Being overweight or obese increases your risk for both uterine cancer and uterine fibroids; this is because fat cells produce their own estrogen which encourages them to grow larger.
  • Diet - Eating foods high in sugar and saturated fats can also contribute to higher risk of fibroid growth due to hormonal imbalance caused by these foods.

Although having these risk factors doesn't guarantee that you will get uterine fibroids as a result of menopause, they do make it more likely that you will experience symptoms such as heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain or frequent urination due to pressure from enlarged tumors on nearby organs like the bladder or intestines.

Luckily there are treatments available for those who suffer from symptomatic fibroid tumors due to menopausal hormone shifts. These include:

  • Medications – Oral medications such as hormonal treatments or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) may be prescribed by your doctor in order to stop any further growth/development within existing tumors and help manage any pain/inflammation caused by them.
  • Surgery – surgery such as myomectomy (removal of individual tumors) or hysterectomy (removal of uterus) may be recommended depending on how large/symptomatic the tumors have become and the patient's overall health condition(s).

These treatments can help relieve any discomfort caused by symptomatic uterine fibroids while also reducing the chance of any further growth/complications occurring within existing tumors due to menopausal hormone shifts. That said, prevention is always better than cure so it is always best practice to maintain a healthy lifestyle with a nutritious diet and regular exercise routine throughout all stages of life so as to minimize potential risks associated with conditions such as these before they arise!

At Peptide therapy center we specialize in helping our patients manage their hormones through bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). Our team offers customized BHRT plans tailored specifically for each individual based on their unique needs; this helps ensure optimal results when managing peri-menopausal symptoms including those related to uterine Fibroid Tumors! Get in touch with us today & live life at its fullest again!

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