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Does hair texture change during menopause?

Written by Eric Johnson - January 31, 2023

Does Hair Texture Change During Menopause?

During menopause, women experience many physical changes including changes in their hair. While most of these changes are normal and expected, some women may find that their hair’s texture has changed drastically over the years. So, does hair texture change during menopause? The answer is yes – here’s why.

One of the main reasons for this occurs due to a decrease in hormones like estrogen and progesterone. As a woman approaches menopause, there will be less of these hormones present in the body, which can lead to thinning or graying of the hair. Additionally, some women will experience an increase in facial or body hair due to hormonal imbalances during this time period.

Other factors can also contribute to changing hair textures during menopause such as age, environment and diet. Age-related changes such as increased dryness or fragility could lead to thinner strands as well as greying of your locks. Environmental factors like sun damage can also cause breakage and dryness that might make it seem like your hair’s texture has changed over time. Finally, nutrition and overall health can have an effect on both your natural growth rate and quality which could result in a change in texture as you age through menopause.

Although most of these changes are normal and natural, if you are worried about how your hair is changing during menopause then we suggest visiting Peptide therapy center for advice from a qualified specialist who can offer solutions tailored specifically to you and your individual needs.

Here are some tips that you can use if you want to help manage any increased dryness or fragility:

  • Try using restorative products such as moisturising shampoos and conditioners that contain nutrients like vitamin E or biotin which help promote healthy cell production
  • Avoid heat styling tools for longer periods of time as they can leave your strands brittle if used too often
  • Use treatments designed to stimulate scalp circulation such as massages with essential oils

Additionally, try switching up your diet by adding foods rich in omega fatty acids which have been shown to improve overall scalp health by hydrating follicles from within.

Lastly, consider speaking with a medical professional about hormone therapy options - this may be necessary depending on the severity of your symptoms but always speak with a doctor before pursuing any type of treatment plan.

If you want more information on how managing your hormones during menopause affects hair texture feel free to reach out us at Peptide therapy center where our staff is more than happy to answer any questions you may have!

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